Абитуриенту Контакты Сведения Мобильная версия
+7 (499) 374-51-51 +7 (929) 644-88-69


Скачать: Расписание выдачи учебной литературы на 2019/2020 учебный год

The library of Moscow University for the Humanities was formed in 1945. It provided library services for Komsomol workers who came to the Central Komsomol school for professional development courses.

In 1969 the library became the university library of the Higher Komsomol School. The library fund included educational literature in Russian and foreign languages. The collection of Russian-language literature contained 148,571 copies, the collection of literature in 37 foreign languages contained 77,682 copies. The library provided educational literature to the students of the faculties of history and communist education, Komsomol work and social sciences.

In 2004, due to an increase in the number of students and the fund of educational literature, the library received new premises in building No. 11. Currently, the library is located in buildings No. 3 and No. 11. Educational literature is located in building No. 11. On the second floor of building No.3 there is the reading room, where there are workplaces equipped with computers with Internet access, there is a subscription of scientific and additional literature, a sector of acquisition and processing and a scientific and bibliographic department.

The Library and the Department of Information Technologies have created and constantly update the electronic library system (EBS) of Moscow University for the Humanities www.elib.mosgu.ru, which is a part of the electronic information and educational environment (EIOS) of the university to provide individual unrestricted access to electronic educational resources for students. It also provides an opportunity to access to electronic educational publications specified in the curriculums of subjects. The structure of the EBS consists of sections: search, book supply, periodicals, library systems.

The "Search" section contains the electronic catalogue of the library. To download the full texts, you need to log in your personal account. The works of teachers are posted on the basis of agreements for the transfer of a non-exclusive license for electronic works.

The section "Book Supply" provides work with electronic publications included in the curriculums of subjects and the possibility of switching to external resources (EBS) to the texts of educational literature. Creation of personal accounts and work with full texts is possible on the EBS websites in case of concluded cooperation agreements, after additional log in following the rules for using the systems. The section "Library Systems" contains links to EBS sites and instructions how to use them, as well as the terms of registration in the systems.

Section "Periodicals" includes a list of archives of journals available in the library fund and third-party systems in areas (specialties) implemented at the University.

The library meets the requirements of the Model Regulations on the Formation of the Collections of the Library of a Higher Educational Institution, approved by Order No. 1246 of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated April 27, 2000. The volume of the fund of basic educational literature (with the stamp of the Ministry of Education of Russia) contains in terms of the number of titles 60% of the total library fund.

The structure and working hours of the Library departments

Email address: lib@mosgu.ru  


Tel. +7 (499) 374-70-84  

Monday - Friday: 10:00 - 18:00

Saturday: 9:00 am - 12:30 pm; 13:30 - 18:00

Sunday - day off  

cleanup day - the last Wednesday of every month  

SUBSCRIPTION FOR EDUCATIONAL LITERATURE - building # 11 (ground floor)  

Tel. +7 (499) 374-69-30  

Monday - Friday: 10:00 - 19:00

Saturday: 9:00 am - 12:30 pm; 13:30 - 18:00

9:00 am - 12:30 pm; 13:30 - 18:00  

cleanup day - the last Wednesday of every month 

  • Лариса Михайловна Комарова, директор библиотеки
    +7 (499) 374-70-84 (вн. 14-64); lkomarova@mosgu.ru; корпус 3, каб. 213
  • Елена Леонидовна Архитская, заведующий, отдел обслуживания
    +7 (499) 374-70-84 (вн. 15-19); корпус 3, каб. 215
  • Ольга Николаевна Губина, библиотекарь, отдел обслуживания
    +7 (499) 374-70-84 (вн. 15-19); корпус 3, каб. 215
  • Милена Николаевна Маринина, заведующий электронным читальным залом, отдел обслуживания
    +7 (499) 374-70-84 (вн. 15-35); mmarinina@mosgu.ru; корпус 3, каб. 214
  • Зинаида Александровна Шушунова, заведующий абонементом, отдел обслуживания
    +7 (499) 374-69-30 (вн. 16-62), +7 (499) 374-70-84 (вн. 15-53); корпус 11, 1 этаж; корпус 3, каб. 224, 225
  • Татьяна Викторовна Янина, заведующий, научно-библиографический отдел
    +7 (499) 374-70-84 (вн. 15-35); tyanina@mosgu.ru;корпус 3, каб. 214
  • Оксана Александровна Савоськина, заведующий сектором комплектования, отдел комплектования и обработки
    +7 (499) 374-70-84 (вн. 14-64); osavoskina@mosgu.ru; корпус 3, каб. 213
  • Ольга Сергеевна Шокурова, библиотекарь, отдел обслуживания
    +7 (499) 374-70-84 (вн. 15-35); oshokurova@mosgu.ru; корпус 3, каб. 214