Обнаружена опечатка
The tasks of the Inclusive Education Service of Moscow University for the Humanities include ensuring equal access to education for all students, taking into account the diversity of educational programmes and individual opportunities. The staff of the Service accompany the students in need of support throughout the entire period of study - from the organization of entrance examinations to the defense of the thesis
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There is a Medical Centre on the territory of the university. For people with limited mobility, the entrance to the Medical Centre is equipped with a ramp. The college has its own medical office for first aid. There is a nurse in the sports complex | Throughout the university and campus, the principles of a barrier-free environment are implemented, providing access to the educational process for students with special needs. | The dimensions of doorways, the absence of thresholds, the presence of ramps, passenger and freight elevators and specially equipped bathrooms make it possible for wheelchair students to study at the university. |

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Students of all areas of training are taught the course "Life Safety", which examines the issues of providing first medical and social assistance to people with disabilities. The project "Electronic Education", implemented at the university, gives students undergoing treatment or rehabilitation the opportunity not to interrupt their studies, providing access to educational and methodological materials from any computer with Internet access. |
Professional development courses, consultations on the specifics of working with students with disabilities and instructions on organizing inclusive education are regularly held for university and college teachers. For university employees, the Inclusive Education Service has prepared special leaflets for working with students with disabilities and people with disabilities. |
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All computers intended for independent work of students are equipped with a licensed Microsoft Windows 10 Rus operating system, which makes it easier for visually impaired and hard of hearing students to work with a computer. There are also screen magnifiers, screen reader, high contrast settings, alternative input devices, etc. All electronic library systems have the ability to switch to the mode for the visually impaired and the ability to increase the font. EBS IPRbooks has its own WV-reader software (IPRbooks) for mobile devices running on the Android operating system, available to all subscribers of the basic version of EBS IPRbooks. Suitable for I, II, III groups of vision disabilities. The official website of Moscow University for the Humanities has a version for visually impaired citizens. |
Almost 70 e-learning courses of Moscow University for the Humanities teachers, posted on the elearn.mosgu.ru platform, enable students who are undergoing treatment or rehabilitation to not interrupt their studies, providing remote access to basic educational and methodological materials. |
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The student hostel has rooms for students with limited mobility. Showers in buildings G and D are equipped with special metal handrails. | The parking lot on the territory of the university has places for vehicles of disabled people and people with disabilities. | The parking lot on the territory of the university has places for vehicles of disabled people and people with disabilities. |
The nearest public transport stop is 11.5 meters from the entrance to the university on Moldagulova Street.
The entrance doors to the buildings are marked with special signs for visually impaired students, a special video monitor broadcasts video and audio information for visually impaired and hearing impaired students.
In educational buildings on the walls there are markings of routes to toilets intended for students with limited mobility, staircase movement schemes, and access to elevators.
All educational buildings are equipped with mnemonic diagrams on which the evacuation routes are indicated. All information is duplicated in Braille.
The buildings are equipped with bathrooms that meet all the requirements for use by people with limited mobility.
In the Admission Office of the university, the employee's keyboard is equipped with Braille, which allows accepting applicants with visual impairments.
The elevator buttons in the 3rd educational building are equipped with tactile stickers, which allows people with all types of disabilities to use the elevator.
All categories of disabled people have free access to the stadium.
All entrances to the territory are equipped with light indication. Checkpoint on Moldagulova Street is equipped with a ramp. Entrance gates at checkpoints on Yunosti Street and Veshnyakovskaya Street have an unobstructed passage from the roadway and sidewalk.
Walkways on the campus are wheelchair accessible.
At the entrance to the university there is a diagram showing ramps and entrances for people with limited mobility, parking places. All information is duplicated in Braille.
On the territory of the university there are: 5 buffets, 1 canteen, cafe "Yunost", an express buffet.
The premises are adapted for disabled people and people with disabilities.
The entrance doors to the buildings are marked with special signs for visually impaired students, a special video monitor broadcasts video and audio information for visually impaired and hearing impaired students.
In educational buildings on the walls there are markings of routes to toilets intended for students with limited mobility, staircase movement schemes, and access to elevators.
All educational buildings are equipped with mnemonic diagrams on which the evacuation routes are indicated. All information is duplicated in Braille.
The buildings are equipped with bathrooms that meet all the requirements for use by people with limited mobility.
In the Admission Office of the university, the employee's keyboard is equipped with Braille, which allows accepting applicants with visual impairments.
The elevator buttons in the 3rd educational building are equipped with tactile stickers, which allows people with all types of disabilities to use the elevator.
All categories of disabled people have free access to the stadium.
In educational buildings on the walls there are markings of routes to toilets intended for students with limited mobility, staircase movement schemes, and access to elevators.
All educational buildings are equipped with mnemonic diagrams on which the evacuation routes are indicated. All information is duplicated in Braille.
The buildings are equipped with bathrooms that meet all the requirements for use by people with limited mobility.
In the Admission Office of the university, the employee's keyboard is equipped with Braille, which allows accepting applicants with visual impairments.
The elevator buttons in the 3rd educational building are equipped with tactile stickers, which allows people with all types of disabilities to use the elevator.
All categories of disabled people have free access to the stadium.
All entrances to the territory are equipped with light indication. Checkpoint on Moldagulova Street is equipped with a ramp. Entrance gates at checkpoints on Yunosti Street and Veshnyakovskaya Street have an unobstructed passage from the roadway and sidewalk.
Walkways on the campus are wheelchair accessible.
At the entrance to the university there is a diagram showing ramps and entrances for people with limited mobility, parking places. All information is duplicated in Braille.
On the territory of the university there are: 5 buffets, 1 canteen, cafe "Yunost", an express buffet.
The premises are adapted for disabled people and people with disabilities.
Walkways on the campus are wheelchair accessible.
At the entrance to the university there is a diagram showing ramps and entrances for people with limited mobility, parking places. All information is duplicated in Braille.
On the territory of the university there are: 5 buffets, 1 canteen, cafe "Yunost", an express buffet.
The premises are adapted for disabled people and people with disabilities.
Нормативно-правовая база и полезные ресурсы
Приказ Министерства образования и науки РФ от 9 ноября 2015 г. N 1309 "Об утверждении Порядка обеспечения условий доступности для инвалидов объектов и предоставляемых услуг в сфере образования, а также оказания им при этом необходимой помощи" (с изменениями и дополнениями)
Приказ Минобрнауки России от 02.12.2015 N 1399 "Об утверждении Плана мероприятий ("дорожной карты") Министерства образования и науки Российской Федерации по повышению значений показателей доступности для инвалидов объектов и предоставляемых на них услуг в сфере образования"
Конвенция ООН о правах инвалидов
Портал "Доступная среда"
Положение о службе инклюзивного образования.pdf
Положение об обучении студентов-инвалидов и лиц с ОВЗ.pdf
Паспорт доступности 1-го корпуса
Паспорт доступности 3-го корпуса
Паспорт доступности корпуса «А»
Паспорт доступности корпуса «В»
Паспорт доступности спортивного корпуса
Паспорт доступности медицинского центра
Сотрудники Службы инклюзивного образования:
- Екатерина Алексеевна Фролова, руководитель Службы инклюзивного образования
+7 (499) 374-59-31 (вн. 12-81); efrolova@mosgu.ru; корпус 3, каб. 520
+7 (499) 374-59-31 (вн. 12-81); efrolova@mosgu.ru; корпус 3, каб. 520